Automatic importation of files (jcamp, etc.)
allows to automatically import files based on a filter that is placed in the corresponding folder.
In roc-eln-docker
folder you will find rest-on-couch
that contains a folder eln
that corresponds to the name of the couchDB
database. In this folder you are free to put any number of folders that will contain a file named ìmport.js
describing how to import files that are dropped in the folder. So all the files that you would like to import of the kind nmr
for example could be placed in: /usr/local/docker/roc-eln-docker/rest-on-couch/eln/nmr/to_process
and once they are processed they will be moved to /usr/local/docker/roc-eln-docker/rest-on-couch/eln/nmr/processed
or in case of error to /usr/local/docker/roc-eln-docker/rest-on-couch/eln/nmr/errored
In order to debug a file that is in errored and to edit the import.js
file you may run the importation in an interactive way. For this you may go in the docker image. First find the id
of the rest-on-couch-import
image using docker ps
and then go in the image using docker exec -it fe2acfbb9bba sh
(replace the correct image ID).
To get the help of the import you can run node bin/rest-on-couch-import.js --help
You can test the importation of an errored file with an instruction like: node bin/rest-on-couch-import.js --dry-run /rest-on-couch/eln/nmr/errored/2017/08/28/abc.jdx eln nmr